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Orange Blossom Micro Elementary

Fort Lauderdale, FL


School Leader: Rachael Nassiri

Microschool/Pod for Grades K-5

Orange Blossom Elementary Micro School is a small and flexible learning community that offers personalized and engaging education for children in grades K-5. At Orange Blossom, we believe that every child is a unique and valuable individual who deserves to learn at their own pace and in their own way. We provide a rich and diverse curriculum that covers various subjects, skills and topics that are relevant and meaningful to our students. We also foster a sense of belonging and connection among our students, teachers and families who share similar goals, values and backgrounds. Orange Blossom Elementary Micro School is more than just a school - it’s a family of learners who love to grow together.


Facebook: Orange Blossom School KG-5th

Instagram: @orangeblossomschool



Orange Blossom Micro Elementary
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